:: Tower .OTF Детали шрифта

Тип шрифта: Sans
Tower создатель: Valdeir Junior
1 шрифты

:: таблица символов

character map

:: Содержание файла(Tower .OTF Шрифт)

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Tower.ttf16 KBФайл шрифтаскачать
Licence Information.txt463 BТекстовый файлПосмотреть
You may download this font, circulate it und use it freely. You may not alter, rename, change copyrights or modify this font in any way. If you use it in any commercial way, you may use it freely, as long as you ask for permission. You have to send for my home adress all kind of products related to this font, as well as grant me permission to include in my portfolio, and as well, include all references to Ag�ncia Ia�.

Contacte me: [email protected]

:: информация о шрифте

имя шрифта: Tower
шрифт автор: Valdeir Junior
Лицензия шрифта: Free for personal use

:: делить Tower шрифт

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