:: Estrela Fulguria 1748 .OTF Детали шрифта

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Estrela Fulguria 1748.ttf48 KBФайл шрифтаскачать
Copyright_Licence.txt2 KBТекстовый файлПосмотреть

Font Name: Estrela Fulguria 1748
File: Licence
Author: Maelle.Keita
Mail: [email protected]



Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) belong to and stay with Font Mael.K and the their owner(s).


* You must attribute the work in the manner specified by Font (author and licensor - see Attribution section below).

* If you use our work for your clients or friends website(s), you have to inform them of the licence that comes with the font

* You can not claim intellectual property rights or exclusive ownership to any of our font, modified or unmodified.

* You are not permitted to place any of our font either modified or unmodified, on a diskette, CD, website or any other medium for redistribution, sale or resale.

* You can not offer our font for re-distribution of any kind without prior written consent from us.

* You can not sell or offer our font for sale. This also includes offering our font as part of a product package. You can sell your services but not our font.


* Contact me for knowledge the terms and licence.

Thanks for apreciate my Font

:: информация о шрифте

имя шрифта: Estrela Fulguria 1748
шрифт автор: Maelle.K
Лицензия шрифта: Free for personal use

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