:: CD-Icons .OTF Детали шрифта

Тип шрифта: Icons
CD-Icons создатель: Pixietype
1 шрифты

:: таблица символов

character map

:: Содержание файла(CD-Icons .OTF Шрифт)

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CD-IconsPC.ttf38 KBФайл шрифтаскачать
ReadME.txt967 BТекстовый файлПосмотреть
Thanks for downloading Pixietype fonts!!

You may use these fonts for personal and commercial use. These fonts may be freely redistributed, provided that you do not alter them in any way and that you credit Pixietype for this.

These fonts are distributed free and may not be sold or resold for any purposes.

Pixietype does not take any responsibility for any damage caused through use of these fonts, be it indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business, loss of profits, interruption or the like).

To use these fonts in Flash�, place the text on exact X and Y integers (whole numbers). The fonts size must be set at 10 pixels only. Do not use bold or italic settings. When publishing, ensure that you set to publish at pixels or "match movie" only.

In Photoshop�/Fireworks�, turn OFF anti-aliasing to make sure no blurring occurs.

visit www.pixitype.com

:: информация о шрифте

имя шрифта: CD-Icons
шрифт автор: Pixietype
Лицензия шрифта: Free for personal use

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