:: Janesville 51 .OTF Детали шрифта

Тип шрифта: Sans, Compact
Janesville 51 создатель: Paul Lloyd Fonts
4 шрифты

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Janesville No 51 is an example of the obscure ways a face can be inspired.

While filling my fountain pen with ink - yes, I do still use one of those -
I noticed the rather elegant lettering used to engrave the company trademark
on the side of the filler. That trademark, buried normally in the inside of
the pen, and saying "Parker 51" is the basis of Janesville No 51.

Why Janesville? Before the Parker Pen Company went the way of all things and
was swallowed into a multi-national conglomerate Janesville in the US was their

All in all, just my little tribute to the sort of tool I use everyday at work!

Paul Lloyd

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Janesville51.otf34 KBФайл шрифтаскачать
Janesville51_B.ttf54 KBФайл шрифтаскачать

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имя шрифта: Janesville 51
шрифт автор: Paul Lloyd Fonts
Лицензия шрифта: Free for personal use

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