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Wolves Engraven ReadMe.txt1 KBТекстовый файлПосмотреть
A TrueType Font by S. John Ross
Cumberland Games & Diversions

"Wolves and Ravens" was one of my very first font designs, and its sequel, "Wolves & Ruin," was a fun font to make, so it seemed natural to make it a trilogy of sorts. This third installment in my mock-runic series takes on the appearance of runes carved roughly in stone or clay, a dramatic relief effect achieved with liberal application of Secret Graphics Juju learned high in the mountains of Tibet (the Photoshop seminars are cheaper, there). Like its predecessors, the whimsically named "Wolves Engraven" is a caps-and-numbers font, with a handful of bullets serving as every other character on the keyboard. It's no good for drafting a term paper in, but it's good fun for a little fantasy decor.

This font is copyright 2003 by S. John Ross. "Cumberland Games & Diversions" is a trademark of S. John Ross. This font is freeware for personal, non-commercial use of any kind (including website decoration and so on). Contact me at [email protected] if you're interested in an inexpensive commercial license.

This ZIP archive may be freely distributed provided none of the contents are altered or removed.

Version 1.0
Wolves Engraven.ttf148 KBФайл шрифтаскачать
Wolves and Raven.ttf17 KBФайл шрифтаскачать
Wolves and Raven ReadMe.txt1 KBТекстовый файлПосмотреть

Wolves & Ravens 1.1
An Emailware Windows TrueType Font by S. John Ross
A product of the Cumberland Fontworks

This is a simple fantasy font based on a player handout I created
for a fantasy campaign in my teenage years. There was a cryptic
message - "Wolves and Ravens Devour the Unwary" - carved into the
side of a wooden footbridge, as an omen of things to come. The
handwriting was meant to represent a quasi-runic style of Roman
letters, of the sort that might be crudely carved with a dagger
into the soft wood of the bridge rail.

This font expands those characters into a full alphabet of 26
letters, plus 0-9 and a squarish "bullet" that serves as a
generic sort of punctuation mark. These are the only characters
in the font.

If you like this font, please register it by sending an email to
[email protected] describing any uses you come up with for it! Also,
drop by the Cumberland Fontworks (URL above) to download more
gamer-fonts and font-toys!

- S. John Ross, July 2000
Wolves and Ruin ReadMe.txt1 KBТекстовый файлПосмотреть
A TrueType Font by S. John Ross
Cumberland Games & Diversions

Since this month will find my new book, Uresia: Grave of Heaven on game store shelves, and since Uresia inspired my Temphis Runes font set, it felt like a good occasion to revisit my very first fantasy/rune-style font - and in fact one of my very first fonts of any kind: Wolves & Ravens. This new family member, Wolves & Ruin, is an emboldened and stressed adaptation of the earlier font, with very different metrics and a heavy, battle-scarred feel. It would be fun for fantasy handouts and other kinds of decoration. It's caps-and-numerals only, with angular bullets for punctuation, as in the original.

This font is copyright 2003 by S. John Ross. "Cumberland Games & Diversions" is a trademark of S. John Ross. This font is freeware for personal, non-commercial use of any kind (including website decoration and so on). Contact me at [email protected] if you're interested in a commercial license; rates will depend on the details.

This ZIP archive may be freely distributed provided none of the contents are altered or removed.

Version 1.0
Wolves and Ruin.ttf35 KBФайл шрифтаскачать

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имя шрифта: Wolves and Ruin
Лицензия шрифта: Free for personal use

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