:: Movie Poster .OTF Fonte Detalhes

8 Fontes

:: Mapa De Caracteres

character map

:: Conteúdo Do Arquivo(Movie Poster .OTF Fonte)

Nome do arquivoTamanho do arquivoTipo de arquivoOpção
MOVIPBI_.TTF26 KBArquivo de fonteDownload
Readme.txt1 KBArquivo de textoVisão
MOVIE POSTER v1.1, created by ShyWedge, 1999.

The following TrueType fonts are included:

- Movie Poster
- Movie Poster, Bold
- Movie Poster, BoldItalic
- Movie Poster, Italic
- Movie Poster Condensed
- Movie Poster Condensed, Bold
- Movie Poster Condensed, BoldItalic
- Movie Poster Condensed, Italic


- Added additional punctuation.
- Improved lettering and kerning.

This font package is Freeware. If you wish to distribute it,
please include all of the above fonts along with this document
and send me an e-mail to let me know which font you have so I can
inform you of the latest updates.

Thank you for downloading this font package and enjoy!

ShyFonts by ShyWedge, 1999.
Web Site: http://welcome.to/ShyFonts
E-mail: [email protected]
MOVIPB__.TTF22 KBArquivo de fonteDownload
Movipci_.ttf26 KBArquivo de fonteDownload
Movipcbi.ttf26 KBArquivo de fonteDownload
MOVIPRG_.TTF22 KBArquivo de fonteDownload
MOVIPI__.TTF26 KBArquivo de fonteDownload
Movipcb_.ttf22 KBArquivo de fonteDownload
moviepstr11.jpg13 KBImagem de amostraVisão
Movipcrg.ttf22 KBArquivo de fonteDownload

:: Fonte Informação

Nome da fonte: Movie Poster
Autor da fonte: ShyFoundry
Licença da fonte: Free for personal use

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