:: Rayguns .OTF Fonte Detalhes

1 Fontes

:: Mapa De Caracteres

character map

:: Conteúdo Do Arquivo(Rayguns .OTF Fonte)

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readme.txt792 BArquivo de textoVisão
Here is where we stand as far as the copyright rules
of the fonts and dingbats. We give them away for free,
even for commercial uses. We only ask that you tell us
what you have used them for.

Because we like to see our fonts used.

However, if you plan to take our fonts and sell them or
include them on a CD or something that does not deal
in using them in some sort of a design, that's not really
using the fonts. Our contact information is all over our website,
so it would be really easy to just drop us a line and say:


That would be nice. If you wanted to include the address of your
webpage its featured on, or a picture or example of the work you
used it for, we wouldn't mind that either.


RAYGRG__.TTF59 KBArquivo de fonteDownload

:: Fonte Informação

Nome da fonte: Rayguns
Autor da fonte: Push
Licença da fonte: Free(Commercial use allowed)

:: Distribuir Rayguns Fonte

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