:: Strip Letter 1 .OTF Fonte Detalhes

1 Fontes

:: Mapa De Caracteres

character map

:: Conteúdo Do Arquivo(Strip Letter 1 .OTF Fonte)

Nome do arquivoTamanho do arquivoTipo de arquivoOpção
STRIP.TTF57 KBArquivo de fonteDownload
SLinfo.txt1 KBArquivo de textoVisão
e-mail : [email protected]
Web : http://altern.org/castanet

� STRIP LETTER � est la premi�re version d'une police de caract�res qui m�lange le dessin du corps et de la lettre,
cr��e par Alexandre CASTANET ([email protected]).
� STRIP LETTER � est libre de droit (pour un usage non commercial) vous pouvez en user et en abuser � condition d'envoyer une carte postale � :

17, rue C. VALLET
92340 Bourg-la-Reine

Si vous voulez diffuser � STRIP LETTER � n'oubliez pas de joindre le fichier texte StripLetterInfo.
Si vous voulez utiliser � STRIP LETTER � pour une publication commerciale vous devez m'envoyer un exemplaire de cette publication.

� STRIP LETTER � is the first version of a font that mixes body figures and letters. It has been created by Alexandre CASTANET.
� STRIP LETTER � is copyright free (for non-commercial use), you can use it as much as you want. But please send a postcard to :

17, rue C. VALLET
92340 Bourg-la-Reine

If you want to distribute � STRIP LETTER �, don�t forget to inclute the StripLetterInfo text file.
If you want to use � STRIP LETTER � for a commercial publication, please send me a copy of that publication.

PARIS summer 98

:: Fonte Informação

Nome da fonte: Strip Letter 1
Autor da fonte: Alexandre Castanet
Licença da fonte: Free for personal use

:: Distribuir Strip Letter 1 Fonte

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