:: Atrian Font .OTF Download

2 styles inside

:: Character Map

character map

:: Package Details(Atrian .OTF Download)

Atrian Notes.txt2 KBText Fileview

If you're reading this, then you've downloaded Atrian, my new typeface!
I've spent over 2 years making this (originally as 'Arctik' (which
you can download here http://www.dafont.com/arctik.font)), and it's
really nice to know that it's being used in people's lives.

Firstly, for anyone having trouble installing, on Vista/7+ versions
of Windows, you simply have to right click on the font, and install.
You can even select all the fonts at the same time, it makes the
process much quicker. I can't help anyone on a Mac or earlier
versions of windows, although a quick Google should solve any issues.

The font itself contains two weights, Atrian 1, and Atrian 3. All
the fonts are covered by a Creative Commons license, meaning
you can use it in your own personal work, and even produce derivatives,
providing you ask me first (I won't bite!) and share in the same way
I have. (and it'd be really nice to know where it's being used!).
Derivatives can vary in any style, and additionally, if you're making a
derivative from a derivative, then you should also let all the
designers who've contributed know.

It's been a pleasure making this, and I hope you enjoy it!

If for any reason you'd like to follow the things I do in the future,
I have a few websites/portfolios/blogs going, checking them out would
be most wonderful.


If you need to contact me for licensing, or anything else (atall!),
my email is [email protected]. Thank you, very, very much.
vcm_s_kf_m160_160x160.jpg9 KBSample Imageview
Atrian 3.ttf25 KBFont Filedownload
Atrian 1.ttf24 KBFont Filedownload
Atrian.png805 KBSample Imageview
vcm_s_kf_repr_500x500.jpg109 KBSample Imageview

:: Font Details

Font Name: Atrian
Designer Name: Nathan Caldecott
Font License: Free(Commercial use allowed)

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