:: 04b03rev .OTF Caratteri Dettagli

1 Caratteri

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:: Contenuto Del File(04b03rev .OTF Font)

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04B03REV.TTF28 KBFile FontScaricare
read me.txt398 BFile di testovista

Congratulations! You're the very new lucky bastard that won a terranova revisited font. And what can i say about this particular font, well i put in some accentuation and "�". So don't be shy, use it as you will! I'll just gonna ask what every (free) font designer can ask: Please let me know if ya like and where ya use it!

:: Informazioni Di Carattere

nome del font: 04b03rev
progettista: 04 | Yuji Oshimoto
licenza: Free for personal use

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