:: Heavy Copper .OTF Caratteri Dettagli

30 Caratteri

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:: Contenuto Del File(Heavy Copper .OTF Font)

nome del filedimensione del filetipo di fileopzione
heavycopperexpandital.ttf29 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppersemital.ttf28 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppergrad.otf39 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopperexpandital.otf23 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppercondital.ttf28 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppersemital.otf22 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppersuperital.otf22 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopperhalftone.otf32 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppercond.otf22 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopperhalftoneital.ttf49 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopperexpand.ttf27 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopper.txt611 BFile di testovista
Heavy Copper Truetype Font for Windows

2019 Iconian Fonts - Daniel Zadorozny


This font comes with the following 15 versions: Regular, Italic, Semi-Italic, Condensed, Condensed Italic, Expanded, Expanded Italic, 3D, 3D Italic, Halftone, Halftone Italic, Gradient, Gradient Italic, Super-Italic and Leftalic.

This font may be freely distributed and is free for all non-commercial uses. Use of the fonts are at your own risk.

For commercial use of the font please visit http://iconian.com/commercial.html for additional information.

or e-mail me at [email protected]
heavycopperital.ttf28 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopper3d.ttf42 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopper.otf21 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopperleft.otf22 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopperleft.ttf28 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppergradital.otf41 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopperhalftoneital.otf34 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopperexpand.otf22 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopper3dital.otf40 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppergrad.ttf59 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppercond.ttf27 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopper3dital.ttf44 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppercondital.otf23 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopperhalftone.ttf46 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopperital.otf21 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopper.ttf27 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycopper3d.otf39 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppersuperital.ttf28 KBFile FontScaricare
heavycoppergradital.ttf62 KBFile FontScaricare

:: Informazioni Di Carattere

nome del font: Heavy Copper
progettista: Iconian Fonts
licenza: Free for personal use
sito web: https://www.iconian.com/

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