:: Tribal Garamond .OTF Caratteri Dettagli

1 Caratteri

:: Mappa Dei Caratteri

character map

:: Contenuto Del File(Tribal Garamond .OTF Font)

nome del filedimensione del filetipo di fileopzione
Tribal Garamond.ttf202 KBFile FontScaricare
read me.txt1 KBFile di testovista
Tribal Garamond, par Raslani ABDOU-OUSSENI, alias Shaashimov
Libre pour toute utilisation personnelle. Pour l'�dition ou le commerce, veuillez d'abord m'informer par mail: [email protected] ou en passant par mon site: http://www.shaashimov.fr
Dans tous les cas, cette police d'�criture est gratuite, mais pour une utilisation autre que purement personnelle, un don au montant libre est vivement souhait�.
Merci de votre compr�hension.
N'h�sitez pas � fr�quenter notre site :

Pour nous contacter:
[email protected] ou [email protected]

Merci, � bient�t pour de nouvelles aventures!
Enjoy! Share! Live!


Tribal Garamond, by Raslani ABDOU-OUSSENI, alias Shaashimov.
This is a freeware, you can use it all you want, share it, (let the world know me, hihi).
The deal is to be satisfied (don't to leave a comment, thank you ^ ^ ')
I would also add that if you intend to use one of my fonts for an association
or others, please just let me know by email. Don't worry, I'm cool.

Free for personal use. For edition and commercial use, please contact me.
Support with a donation is recommanded.

Feel free to visit our website:

To contact us:
[email protected] or [email protected]

Thank you, see you soon for new adventures!
Enjoy! Share! Live!

:: Informazioni Di Carattere

nome del font: Tribal Garamond
progettista: Raslani Shaashimov
licenza: Free(Commercial use allowed)
sito web: http://www.shaashimov.fr/

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