:: AmyBats3 .OTF Caratteri Dettagli

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AmyBats read me.txt2 KBFile di testovista
AmyBats are � 2008 by bobistheowl for Metaphase Brothel Graphix. This font is freeware! Please have fun using it for whatever you want. If you like this font, please let me know at [email protected]

AmyBats are a tribute to Amy Winehouse, who, in my opinion, is the most important female vocalist since Janis Joplin, and possibly as far back as Billie Holiday. This poet diva fashionista is the best thing to happen to popular music since Nirvana. Unfortunately, the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long. I guess to truly sing the Blues, one must live them first. Here's hoping she's able to overcome her personal demons, and continue to make the music that matters. I've tried to capture as many different sides of this lady as possible. You can decide for yourself if I've succeeded.

All fonts in the AmyBats series were made with MS Paint and ScanFont 3.12. I'm not sure how many fonts there will be in this series, but all will be available on the Metaphase Brothel Graphix homepage on Luc Devroye's site:


Most fonts on the Metaphase Brothel Graphix homepage contain supplemental files, such as character guides and Open Type, (.otf), versions, for Mac users. Check out our other creations. New ones appear frequently.

Please note that, because of the large sized graphics used in the Metaphase Brothel Graphix fonts, they will cause problems for Windows Vista users when Clearface is enabled. I can't help that, so if you are a Vista user who wants to use our fonts, please disable Clearface first.

Other fonts by bobistheowl for Metaphase Brothel Graphix:

HaydenPanettiereBats demo
Alice in Wonderland
Through the Looking Glass1
Through the Looking Glass2
Gypsy Tarot-Major Arcana
Gypsy Tarot-Minor Arcana
Gypsy Tarot-Minor Arcana Inverted
AmyBats2 - ? (more to come)

If you would like to make fonts like these yourself, ask us how!


AmyBats3.ttf397 KBFile FontScaricare

:: Informazioni Di Carattere

nome del font: AmyBats3
progettista: bobistheowl
licenza: Free for personal use

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