:: There Goes The Neighborhood .OTF Fonte Détails

1 Polices

:: Caractère Carte

character map

:: Contenu Du Fichier(there Goes The Neighborhood .OTF Police De Caractère)

Nom de fichierTaille du fichierType de fichierOption
THEREGOE.TTF35 KBFichier de policeTélécharger
ReadMe!.txt917 BFichier textevoir
Thanks for downloading a Penny Font!
I have just a few small guidlines pertaining to the use of my fonts.

1. I do not allow the use of my fonts for any "Evil Empires" so-to-speak. These include but are in no way limited to Nike, Walmart, Gap, McDonalds, etc. Basically, any large corporation that degrades the standard of life, human or otherwise.

2. I do not allow the use of my fonts for any group or organization I feel does a disservice to mankind. This includes but is not limited to any Hate Group, Government Ogranization, or any Religious organizations that promote racism or homophobia as a doctrine.

3. You may not distribute my fonts without prior consent.

Those are my simple terms. I would also ask that if you use a font for something, drop me a line and let me know, I like to hear about it!

Check back often for more new fonts!

[email protected]

:: Fonte Information

nom de la police: there goes the neighborhood
desginer police: Jason Ramirez
licence police: Free for personal use

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