:: Teen .OTF Fonte Détails

6 Polices

:: Caractère Carte

character map

:: Contenu Du Fichier(Teen .OTF Police De Caractère)

Nom de fichierTaille du fichierType de fichierOption
teenlita.ttf73 KBFichier de policeTélécharger
teenbold.ttf74 KBFichier de policeTélécharger
teen.TXT672 BFichier textevoir
Extra information about the Teen font family:

Teen was one of the last unfinished fonts drawn by Martin
Archer, who gave up font design for an even less lucrative
career as a humor writer.

Martin Archer came up with the original design and created a font from it. Ray Larabie altered a few letters and added punctuation, accents, special characters, kerning, alternate weights and italics.

Martin's work can be found at dazeofourlives.com.
His first book "Daze of Our Lives" was published in 2000.
You can reach him by sending a self-addressed, stamped
envelope to [email protected]

Ray's work ... I don't think you'll have trouble finding it.
teenital.ttf73 KBFichier de policeTélécharger
teenlite.ttf79 KBFichier de policeTélécharger
teen____.ttf71 KBFichier de policeTélécharger
teenbdit.ttf68 KBFichier de policeTélécharger

:: Fonte Information

nom de la police: Teen
desginer police: Ray Larabie
licence police: Free for personal use

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