:: Triangle .OTF Fonte Détails

1 Polices

:: Caractère Carte

character map

:: Contenu Du Fichier(Triangle .OTF Police De Caractère)

Nom de fichierTaille du fichierType de fichierOption
coyright.txt742 BFichier textevoir
Hello there!

This font is free for private AND for commercial use!
Reselling is strongly forbidden! The copyright is on my side.
U can use them for print objects,DTP, posters, magazines, flyers
or whatever you like.
If you design a object with my fonts i would like to get one of them.
This would be a friendly donation ;-)
You can give them to your friends or put them on your web page for
others to download but you have to include this copyright text!
You can't ever sell the font files, and you cant put it on a font
collection CD!

Please contact me via email: [email protected]

If you like this font visit my homepage often!
URL is: http:members.aol.com/fastd/font/

So have fun with fonts.

Best regards.
TRIAN___.TTF18 KBFichier de policeTélécharger

:: Fonte Information

nom de la police: Triangle
desginer police: Dieter Schumacher
licence police: Free for personal use

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