:: Life-Lessons .OTF Fonte Détails

1 Polices

:: Caractère Carte

character map

:: Contenu Du Fichier(Life-Lessons .OTF Police De Caractère)

Nom de fichierTaille du fichierType de fichierOption
Life-Lessons.ttf37 KBFichier de policeTélécharger
life-lessons.gif163 KBExemple d'imagevoir
ReadMe.txt1 KBFichier textevoir
Life-Lessons is a TrueType Font By Tom Ledin of Tom Ledin.com

Visit my site: TomLedin.com

Terms & Conditions of Use:

1.) Life-Lessons is completely free for personal use* and may not be used commercially**.

2.) The distribution of this font for financial gain or profit is not permitted under any circumstances
and is strictly prohibited.

3.) Do not add this font to a font CD or compilation or archive that is to be sold for a profit.
If you want to do that, please contact me. I'm a reasonable person.

4.) *Personal use; however, does not mean "public domain." Life-Lessons may not be
altered or used to make new/derivative fonts.

**If you are interested in using Life-Lessons within business or commercial endeavors or
otherwise outside the realm of "personal use," Contact me, Tom Ledin, [email protected]
for information on obtaining a liscence to use Life-Lessons commercially..

Visit my site for my hundreds of Free Photoshop Brushes, and other stupud stuff.



:: Fonte Information

nom de la police: Life-Lessons
desginer police: Tom Ledin
licence police: Free for personal use

:: Partager Life-Lessons Police

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