:: Space Marine .OTF Fonte Détails

1 Polices

:: Caractère Carte

character map

:: Contenu Du Fichier(Space Marine .OTF Police De Caractère)

Nom de fichierTaille du fichierType de fichierOption
SM.TTF10 KBFichier de policeTélécharger
README.TXT2 KBFichier textevoir


Greetings, welcome to the readme file for my fonts. That's it. :)



Currently all my fonts are freeware. That doesn't mean however, that you can
do whatever you want with them. Here are the rules for use and distribution:

1. You WILL NOT modify the fonts, the copyright notices, or this text file.
2. You WILL NOT sell the fonts in ANY way.
3. Whatever you do with it, you take full responsibility.

Those are the rules you MUST follow to use or distribute these fonts. If you
disagree, stop using the fonts immediately. If I grow aware of any violations
of these terms, expect legal action to be taken. So, you have been warned.

And, if you decide to use any of the fonts for commercial purposes, it would
be really nice to receive a product sample. I can make a special version of a
font exclusively for you as well. Just e-mail me if you are interested.

:: ABOUT ME ::

Well, not much to say, really. I'm a guy from Latvia, called Joiro Hatagaya,
I like making fonts, 2D/3D graphics, music, games and programs and many other
things. Send me feedback to make me happy and give me energy to do more. :)



E-MAIL: [email protected] | Please put "FONTS" in caps as the subject. Do not
send spam, or you WILL regret it.

WEBSITE: JOIRO.THE3DSTUDIO.COM | Come here to see some of my 3D work and find
out what other things I do.

FONT WEBSITE: http://www.typesource.com/Presents/Hatagaya/Fonts.html | Yes! I
now have a special mini-website for my fonts only, where you can find all the
latest versions of these fonts and also brand new fonts. So go visit it! NOW!


Revision: 1.20 | 05.01.2001
SM.TXT1 KBFichier textevoir


I guess this is the first ever font I have sketched on paper before going into
the editor and making it. And IMO the planning has paid off - this has quickly
become one of my favorite fonts, beating JH_TITLES and New Horizons, which are
now 2nd and 3rd respectively. I hope you'll also enjoy it.

This font was made for making titles for my website and my pictures, so it has
certain specific optimizations. When used on-screen it will look the best with
font sizes starting with 12 and then any next 12. That is 12, 24, 36, 48, etc.

And as an added bonus this one is actually pretty darn readable and looks cool
at size 6! Well, to me on my PC anyway. :)

Enjoy, and don't forget to send feedback and tell me what characters you would
like to see added.


Revision: 0.70 | 16.02.2001

:: Fonte Information

nom de la police: Space Marine
desginer police: Joiro Hatgaya
licence police: Free for personal use

:: Partager Space Marine Police

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