:: Zombie .OTF Detalles De La Fuente

1 fuente

:: Mapa De Caracteres

character map

:: Contenido Del Archivo(Zombie .OTF Fuente)

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ZOMBIE.TTF43 KBArchivo de fuentesDescargar
read_this.txt615 BArchivo de textoVer

Zombie is based on a typeface called Neuland Black, which I sloppily traced with a Warm Gray Berol Prismacolor marker, then scanned and fontified with an expensive computer for your typesetting pleasure.

Zombie is a free font, and may be copied and distributed to your heart's content, so long as you include this readme file. If you design something really fabulous with it, please drop me a line and let me know, or God will get you when you die. Enjoy!

Patrick Broderick
350 Bay Street, Suite 100-328
San Francisco, CA 94133

[email protected]

:: Fuente Información

Nombre de la Fuente: Zombie
Licencia de fuente: Free for personal use

:: Compartir Zombie Fuente

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