:: Vocaloid Oblique .OTF Detalles De La Fuente

1 fuente

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:: Contenido Del Archivo(Vocaloid Oblique .OTF Fuente)

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legalese.txt2 KBArchivo de textoVer
Vocaloid Oblique
Vocaloid is a sleek, tech-style fonts ready for use in titles or specialty design usage. This version of the font is obliqued ("italicized") for variance.
� 2008 Megami Studios. All rights reserved.

This package contains the Vocaloid font (release 1.1) in True Type (Windows) format.

Megami Studios Fonts License Agreement (Free Fonts):

All fonts � Megami Studios. All Rights Reserved. No Megami Studios Fonts (fonts) may be altered or redisributed without the express permission of Megami Studios.

These fonts are meant as freeware for self-publishing and non-profit use only. This does not include usage by major publishers (e.g. Marvel; DC; Dark Horse; Oni; Image; SLG; Top Cow; Crossgen; Tokyopop; Del Rey; Viz Media; and/or their subsidiaries) or websites with over 100,000 hits per day (e.g. Penny Arcade, PVP, Megatokyo) (collectively, "major publishers") without a license fee. Use by a major publisher (or an employee) and use for mainstream publishing will incur a license fee to be paid to Megami Studios. In short:

*Anyone may use these fonts for non-profit projects.
*If you are a self-publisher and/or creator, you may use these fonts for any independent published project, for profit or non-profit.
*If you are an independent creator publishing through a major publisher (see above for some examples), there is a license fee.
*If you are not an independent creator and you plan to use these fonts in a commercial project, there is a license fee.

Please email Megami Studios for fees on free font usage, as well as an invoice for your records.

If you find any problems, send e-mail to: [email protected]

Contents of this archive:
vocaloid_oblique.ttf - the font
legalese.txt - this file

Current History of this font:
1.1 - Edits to the "�" (Trademark) glyph, PANOSE classification - PUBLIC RELEASE
1.0 - creation of the font - BETA release
Vocaloid_Oblique.ttf112 KBArchivo de fuentesDescargar

:: Fuente Información

Nombre de la Fuente: Vocaloid Oblique
Diseñadores: Megami Studios
Licencia de fuente: Free for personal use

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