:: Futurex Phat Schriftart .OTF Details

1 Fonts

:: Charakter Karte | Alphabet Karte

character map

:: Dateiinhalt(Futurex Phat .OTF Schriftart)

!FUTUREX.TXT546 BTextdateiAnsehen
Futurex Phat is part of the Futurex Project. Futurex is potentially the world's
largest font family, with contributions from several type designers the world over.
To find out more about the Futurex Project, see

Futurex Phat is available in four variations: regular, oblique, outline, and
oblique outline. These variations were made by me, Eric Iverson, as my
contributions to the Futurex Project. To find out more about my orginal
typeface designs, see http://fonts.objektsynth.com.
FUTUP___.ttf21 KBSchriftartHerunterladen

:: Font Informationen

Schriftname: Futurex Phat
Schriftdesigner: Eric Iverson
Schriftlizenz: Free for personal use

:: Teilen Futurex Phat Schriftart

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