:: AgencyGothic .OTF字体详细信息


:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(AgencyGothic .OTF字体)

agency.txt887 B文本文件查看
Agency Gothic is a font I created about six years ago. It's taken from a type sample book from the Forties. I've gotten pretty good at making fonts in the interim, but this font may have a few problems (I really don't know, I haven't used it in a long time). If you find out you can use it, send me $10:

Charles Shields
1330 N. Esther Way
Fresno, CA 93728

I've made up about sixty fonts. Most better than this. If it turns out to be profitable, I'll start releasing the rest.

If you do send money, let me know what font you have, what format, and your address. I'll send upgraded files (if one exists), and some additional fonts.


Upgrade note: I first released this on July 1, 1994 and immediately realized that there were a few problems. I've fixed the incorrect path directions on the "A" and "V", and some spacing problems. I'll be a bit more thorough on future releases.
AGENG___.TTF21 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: AgencyGothic
字体许可证: Free for personal use

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