:: Mianty .OTF字体详细信息

字体类型: Script, Calligraphy
Mianty 字体作者: AV Type  author website

:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Mianty .OTF字体)

LICENSE LIST.txt350 B文本文件查看

1. Pesrsonal Use License
2. Commercial Use License
3. Web LIcense
4. E-Pub License
5. App/Game License
6. Extended License
7. Broadcast License
8. Monetized Sosial Media License
9. Server LIcense
10.Corporate License

If you need one of the license above, please let me know by email.

Email :
[email protected]
Mianty.ttf66 KB字体文件下载
$1 to appreciate this font.txt449 B文本文件查看
---------------------------THANK YOU FOR DOWNLOADING---------------------------

We create a font with effort and love and we hope this font can support and be a part of your design project.

Support us to create another beautiful font and I really appreciate if you would like to donate a few dollars to support our studio even though it's only $1 we really appreciate it.

Paypal email : [email protected]

Thank you for the donation :)
Mianty.otf256 KB字体文件下载
LICENSE.txt892 B文本文件查看

====================== THANK YOU FOR DOWNLODING =====================

File : Mianty.ttf | Mianty.otf


You are allowed to use Mianty font as personal use.
You can apply the Mianty font in your personal project.

Note :

-Only for personal use.

-Do not sell or redistribute Mianty font without our permission.

-No modify the character structure of the Mianty font.

-Even though Mianty font is licensed for personal use but is not permitted to share Mianty font file through any media (except sharing via the official Mianty font link).

-Not required for attribution and donation but all forms of donation is highly appreaciated

Paypal account : https://www.paypal.me/avtype

If you have any questions or you want a custom license, don't hesitate to let me know

Email : [email protected]

Best Regards,

AV Type

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Mianty
字体设计师: AV Type
字体许可证: Free for personal use
作者网站: https://www.creativefabrica.com/designer/av-type

:: 分享 Mianty 字型

:: 留下您对这个字体的评论

喜欢这个字体不? 您可以发表你对这个字型的任何看法跟任何评论. 但请不要灌水哦.