:: Cló Gaelach (Twomey) .OTF字体详细信息


:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Cló Gaelach (Twomey) .OTF字体)

gaelach.txt849 B文本文件查看

GAELACH.TTF is Copyright, C. Twomey 1993.

The file GAELACH.TTF is the beta release of a truetype font file suitable
for use in writing Irish/Gaelic/Gaeilge text in the style found in Irish
language books from the early part of the century. Some of the characters,
especially the lowercase 's', may appear very strange but are nevertheless

As the Irish language at that time only used 18 characters the remaining
characters are my own design in (I think) the same spirit. The
character set also includes all the vowels with fadas (acute accents).

This font is free for personal use only. You may not use it for
commercial reasons without my prior written consent.

Any feedback you may have is appreciated. I can be contacted at
[email protected].

Colum Twomey

gaelach.ttf69 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Cló Gaelach (Twomey)
字体许可证: Free for personal use

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