:: Octagonal .OTF字体详细信息

字体类型: Square, Techno
Octagonal 字体作者: Vít Čondák  author website

:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Octagonal .OTF字体)

octal.txt1 KB文本文件查看
Octagonal Light & Ultra Light

font by V�t �ond�k

Mail: gunny(a)post.cz
Web: fonty.condak.cz
FB: facebook.com/GunnyHandwritingFont

En Cz Sk De Fr Pl

[ English License ]

Free for personal or non-commercial use.
In case you want to use the font for a commercial project please contact me to buy a license.

If you think something in this font doesn't feel right please contact me.

[ �esk� licence ]

Zdarma pro osobn� a nekomer�n� u�it�.
V p��pad�, �e chcete font pou��t pro komer�n� ��ely, je nutn� m� kontaktovat a koupit si licenci.

Pokud ve fontu objev�te n�co, co by bylo vhodn� opravit nebo doladit, tak m� pros�m kontaktujte.



0.17 2015-03-07
* germandbls Euro
+ AaIiOoUu-caron
+ AaOo-dotaccent

0.16 2014-11-30
* clean up a-z
+ ordmas ordfem germandbls paragraph No TM

0.15 2014-11-29
* clean up A-Z

0.14 2014-11-28
+ ogonek+ cedilla+ breve+ comma+
+ cent currency Llslash divide bullet endash

0.13 2014-11-25
* 0-9 more narrow
* .&
+ "#'% ae
+ macron+

0.11 2014-11-24
+ @$^&*{} acute+ grave+ caron+

0.10 2014-11-24
+ A-Z a-z 0-9 () .,:;!?
octab-017.ttf28 KB字体文件下载
octar.txt1 KB文本文件查看
Octagonal Regular & Bold

font by V�t �ond�k

Mail: gunny(a)post.cz
Web: fonty.condak.cz
FB: facebook.com/GunnyHandwritingFont

En Cz Sk De Fr Pl

[ English License ]

Free for personal or non-commercial use.
In case you want to use the font for a commercial project please contact me to buy a license.

If you think something in this font doesn't feel right please contact me.

[ �esk� licence ]

Zdarma pro osobn� a nekomer�n� u�it�.
V p��pad�, �e chcete font pou��t pro komer�n� ��ely, je nutn� m� kontaktovat a koupit si licenci.

Pokud ve fontu objev�te n�co, co by bylo vhodn� opravit nebo doladit, tak m� pros�m kontaktujte.



0.17 2015-03-07
* germandbls Euro
+ AaIiOoUu-caron
+ AaOo-dotaccent

0.16 2014-11-30
* clean up a-z
+ ordmas ordfem germandbls paragraph No TM

0.15 2014-11-29
* clean up A-Z

0.14 2014-11-28
+ ogonek+ cedilla+ breve+ comma+
+ cent currency Llslash divide bullet endash

0.13 2014-11-25
* 0-9 more narrow
* .&
+ "#'% ae
+ macron+

0.11 2014-11-24
+ @$^&*{} acute+ grave+ caron+

0.10 2014-11-24
+ A-Z a-z 0-9 () .,:;!?
octaul-017.ttf28 KB字体文件下载
octar-017.ttf28 KB字体文件下载
octal-017.ttf28 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Octagonal
字体设计师: Vít Čondák
字体许可证: Free for personal use
作者网站: http://fonty.condak.cz/

:: 分享 Octagonal 字型

:: 留下您对这个字体的评论

喜欢这个字体不? 您可以发表你对这个字型的任何看法跟任何评论. 但请不要灌水哦.