:: Mod Quad S .OTF字体详细信息


:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Mod Quad S .OTF字体)

yofsmp.txt3 KB文本文件查看
N O T E S about YOFonts FREE SAMPLER (February/1999)
Yasuhiro Yamaoka @ YOWorks

Please read this before you install sample.

1. PS for MacOS, there are three files; PS outline font file,
screen font file, "YOF SMP Read Me" document file.
TT for MacOS, there are two files; TT outline font file,
and "YOF SMP Read Me" document file.
TT for Windows, there are two files; TT outline font file
and "YOFSMP.TXT" document file.
2. PS means Adobe PostScript Type-1 format.
TT means TrueType format.
3. Don't add any modification to these files.
4. Don't forget to attach this "Read Me" (for MacOS) or
"yofsmp.txt" (for Windows) document file with font
files when you give these to someone.
5. Don't publish these files without permission.
(example: CD-ROM font library, etc)
6. Don't put these files on your web page as a link.
7. To show the link at "YOWorks Web Site" on your web page
is welcomed.



E-mail: [email protected]
"YOWorks Web Site" URL: http://www.yoworks.com/

Thank you. Enjoy YOFonts FREE SAMPLER.


The document that follows this line is written in Japanese.
If you don't have OS which can treat Japanese language,
it cannot be read. This is NOT BUG!

YOFonts FREE SAMPLER�ɂ‚��� (February/1999)
�R���N�O @ YOWorks


1. MacOS�pPS�ɂ�PS�A�E�g���C���t�H���g�t�@�C���A�X�N���[���t�H���g
�t�@�C���A�uYOF SMP Read Me�v���ރt�@�C����3�‚̃t�@�C��������܂��B
�uYOF SMP Read Me�v���ރt�@�C����2�‚̃t�@�C��������܂��B
2. PS�Ƃ̓A�h�r�|�X�g�X�N���v�g�^�C�v1�t�H�[�}�b�g�̂��Ƃł��A
3. �t�@�C���̓��e�����ς��Ȃ��ʼn������B
4. �N���ɏ��n���鎞�ɂ́uRead Me�v���ރt�@�C����K���Y�t���ĉ������B
5. ���‚Ȃ�CD-ROM�t�H���g�W���փt�@�C�������ڂ��Ȃ��ʼn������B
6. �E�F�u�y�[�W�Ńt�@�C���������N�Ƃ��Č��J���Ȃ��ʼn������B
7. "YOWorks Web Site"�ւ̃����N�����J���邱�Ƃ͊��}���܂��B


YOFonts FREE SAMPLER�̓t���[�E�F�A�ł��B

�d�q���[���[email protected]
"YOWorks Web Site" URL�Fhttp://www.yoworks.com/

YOFonts FREE SAMPLER���y����Œ�����΍K���ł��B


YOFonts designed by Yasuhiro YAMAOKA.
Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Yasuhiro YAMAOKA.
All rights reserved.
mdq_l.ttf17 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Mod Quad S
字体设计师: YOFonts
字体许可证: Free for personal use

:: 分享 Mod Quad S 字型

:: 留下您对这个字体的评论

喜欢这个字体不? 您可以发表你对这个字型的任何看法跟任何评论. 但请不要灌水哦.