:: Rebel Redux .OTF字体详细信息


:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Rebel Redux .OTF字体)

RebelRedux.ttf103 KB字体文件下载
RebelRedux_Jv01a RM.txt1 KB文本文件查看
RebelRedux (version 01a) ...defiance redefined!

This is my second font I been working on from scratch working with CorelDraw and FontForge. I wanted to go back and do a continuation of my RebelCaps from 3 years ago.
Included in the font are two Basic Latin Characters, Cyrillic, Greek, Vietnamese, Turkish and other foreign accented characters. There's also Punctuation, Currency, some Symbol and Letter-like characters, I may attempt to update soon with other characters.


I have encluded Currency, Subscript and Superscript numbered characters, and some adjustments to the fonts.

I have also include the TrueType version of the font


I hope that my work on this font would be of value to the community as I have enjoyed making them.

It is of my own work and it's FREE of charge for ALL uses. Credits are welcomed but not necessary, however, I like to see what you do with them.

Thank you for your interest in RebelRedux

::[email protected]::

Jay Batch

RebelRedux_v01a.otf247 KB字体文件下载
RRdxLogo4.jpg165 KB作品样张查看
RebelRedux_v01a.ttf103 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Rebel Redux
字体设计师: Jay Batchelor
字体许可证: Free(Commercial use allowed)

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