:: Talk .OTF字体详细信息


:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Talk .OTF字体)

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For best results, print this form with a monospaced font.

HF Shareware Picture Font Order Form (rev. 8/1/96)

The font that accompanies this form is NOT free. If you like this
font and use it in your projects, please send $5.00 to the address
below. Otherwise, please delete this font from your System.

Send your check to:
Handcraftedfonts Company
P.O. Box 14013
Philadelphia, PA 19122-0013 USA

Checks must be drawn from a US Bank (or send CASH in US Funds).

Your $5.00 gets you: the latest version of this font on disk
(our fonts are periodically modified to add more characters or to
fix any bugs), other fonts to try out, our latest catalog of
commercial fonts and software, and a coupon worth 25% OFF our
commercial font prices.

For $24.95 you can get a disk with ALL of our latest Shareware
Picture Fonts as well as the goodies mentioned above.

City, State, Zip, Country:
Email Address (important!):
Where did you get your copy of this font?:
Font(s) Ordered:
Check one: __Mac Type1 __Mac TrueType __PC Type1 __PC TrueType
Amount Enclosed ________

$5.00/font, $24.95/complete collection of Shareware picture fonts)

|>> Write any comments/suggestions on the back of this sheet.
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About TalkBalloons Font 1.0
by Jonathan Macagba
(c)1994 Jonathan Macagba

Published by:
Handcraftedfonts Company
P.O. Box 14013
Philadelphia, PA 19122

TalkBalloons is a font with 62 "talk balloon" symbols. These
balloons are often used in comic strips to indicate something
being said by a cartoon character. The lowercase characters
contain talk balloon symbols with various line weights and
shapes pointing left. Uppercase characters contain the same
balloons pointing right. The numerals contain various balloon
symbols with the question mark ("?") and exclamation mark ("!")
characters. TalkBalloons also includes "thought" balloons and
"shout balloons as well as "ZAP", "BAM" and "POW" symbols (for
you Batman fans).

HINTS & TIPS: Use the "Style" Menu in your program for even more
variations. Convert the characters to paths in your drawing
program to customize.

Shareware: $5.00 (See attached Order Form to order)

For information on custom illustration and font services contact:

Jonathan Macagba
Handcraftedfonts Co.
P.O. Box 14013
Philadelphia, PA 19122-0013
Tel : 215.922.5584
Fax : 215.922.0779
Email : [email protected]
tab_____.ttf13 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Talk
字体设计师: Jonathan Macagba
字体许可证: Free for personal use

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喜欢这个字体不? 您可以发表你对这个字型的任何看法跟任何评论. 但请不要灌水哦.