:: Verily Serif Mono .OTF字体详细信息


:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Verily Serif Mono .OTF字体)

verilyserifmono.png32 KB作品样张查看
VerilySerifMono.otf45 KB字体文件下载
Verily Serif Mono (Stephen G. Hartke).txt713 B文本文件查看
Verily Serif Mono is derived from Bitstream Vera Serif with the same proportions as Bitstream Vera Sans Mono. Only the primary ASCII characters have been modified; I have no plans at the moment to modify the extended character set or to do a bold version.
Verily Serif Mono is released under the Vera license, with the exception that the name does not need to be changed from "Verily." Verily is so named since I have seen many posts asking whether a Bitstream Vera Serif Mono font exists; verily, it does now. Download Verily Serif Mono in OpenType format, along with the FontForge source file and auxiliary files. (The download is a gzip'ed tar file (.tgz) since GeoCities does not allow arbitrary file types.)

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Verily Serif Mono
字体设计师: Stephen G. Hartke
字体许可证: Free for personal use

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