Text from: http://www.geo.sbg.ac.at/borromae/rk_afont.htm
I have created a few TrueType Fonts for Windows. By now these include the
meroitic scripts (hieroglyphics and demotic) and the oldpersian Cuneiforms.
Just click onto the character table (or the filename) to download the *.TTF
files. You can use the Fonts free of charge and also pass them on to your
friends, but please can everybody who uses the fonts write a postcard to
me, so that I know, if it is worth the effort?

My address:
R. Kainhofer
Pichl 27
A - 5441 Abtenau



Under Development:

Greek with accents (always wanted, never found)
and others...

If you have suggestions, what other languages I could turn into a TrueType
Font for windows, e-mail me!!

See also the HOMEPAGE of my school (in German)

Reinhold Kainhofer, WSchin@ping.at