:: Albertsthal Typewriter .TTF Детали шрифта

1 шрифты

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:: Содержание файла(Albertsthal Typewriter .TTF Шрифт)

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License information - do not remove!.txt1 KBТекстовый файлПосмотреть
EN >>> You�ve just downloaded Albertsthal Typewriter font version 1.0 (2012).

Albertsthal Typewriter font was created by Lukas Krakora and is free for non-commercial use only!

If you want to use this font commercially, please contact me at:
[email protected] to get the information about pricing.

Please type "Albertsthal" in subject of your message.

I will also appreciate to receive any comments or pictures of your artwork using this font at the same address.

Please feel free to distribute the font, but keep this readme file with it and do not change the font in any way!

Have fun!


CZ >>> Pr�v� jste si st�hli font Albertsthal Typewriter verze 1.0 (2012).

Font Albertsthal Typewriter byl vytvo�en Luk�em Kr�korou a je voln� ke sta�en� a pou�it� av�ak pouze pro nekomer�n� ��ely!

V p��pad� z�m�ru vyu��t font komer�n� m� pros�m kontaktujte na emailu:
[email protected] a dozv�te se cenu.

Pokud mi budete ps�t, nezapome�te do p�edm�tu zpr�vy napsat "Albertsthal".

Ocen�m i va�e koment��e nebo obr�zky va�� tvorby s vyu�it�m m�ho fontu, kter� m��ete zas�lat na stejnou adresu.

Klidn� font d�le distribuujte, ale pouze spole�n� s t�mto textem! V ��dn�m p��pad� font nijak nem��te a neupravujte.

M�jte se fajn!

Albertsthal_Typewriter.ttf169 KBФайл шрифтаскачать

:: информация о шрифте

имя шрифта: Albertsthal Typewriter
шрифт автор: Lukas Krakora
Лицензия шрифта: Free for personal use

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