:: Rambat Campotype .TTF Детали шрифта

1 шрифты

:: таблица символов

character map

:: Содержание файла(Rambat Campotype .TTF Шрифт)

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Rambat-Campotype.jpg85 KBПример изображенияПосмотреть
Rambat-Campotype.png92 KBПример изображенияПосмотреть
Notification Rambat Campotype.txt937 BТекстовый файлПосмотреть

This typeface is the property of PT. Archipelago Nine Tech (PTANT)
and its use by free and no covered under the term of licence agreement.
Also You can obtained this typeface software either directly from PTANT or together with product distributed by one of PTANT's licences.

Please using the typeface software for personal uses,
and don't modified it in all reason.

PT. Archipelago Nine Tech (www.ptant.com)


Rambat is meaning liquid respiration. It was inspired the font.
The "liquid" does seem take a cohesion in all joints.


Rambat Campotype is opentype with a few bit feature:

- Ligature: fi, ffi, fl, ffl
- Old style numbering
Swash for character: R, K, S and H

please activating the feature for the effect in your each apllication.

Thank you
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:: информация о шрифте

имя шрифта: Rambat Campotype
шрифт автор: Andi Aw. Masry
Лицензия шрифта: Free for personal use

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