:: Glaukous - Paukous .TTF Fonte Detalhes

1 Fontes

:: Mapa De Caracteres

character map

:: Conteúdo Do Arquivo(Glaukous - Paukous .TTF Fonte)

Nome do arquivoTamanho do arquivoTipo de arquivoOpção
other lab fonts.txt5 KBArquivo de textoVisão
0001 - ZOLOFT (by Apostrophe) - 5 fonts
0002 - MILTOWN (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0003 - WITCHES BREW (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0004 - CELEXA (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0005 - LABRAT (by Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0006 - EFFEXOR (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0007 - FLUOXETINE (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0008 - ICKLIPS (by Typ, Neumat Ick & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0009 - TRALFAMADORE (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0010 - HALCION (by Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0011 - RX MM (by Apostrophe) - Multiple master + 13 TTF
0012 - PAXIL (by Jeri Ingalls & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0013 - VALIUM (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0014 - FIGHT THIS (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0015 - ANKORA (by Frank Guillemette & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0016 - RITALIN (by Apostrophe) - 3 fonts
0017 - WELLBUTRIN (by Karen Clemens & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0018 - XANAX (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0019 - LAB BATS (by Brigido Maderal & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0020 - CYCLIN (by CybaPee & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0021 - FUTUREX (by Graham Meade & Apostrophe) - 8 fonts
0022 - MASKALIN (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0023 - DESYREL (by Dana Rice & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0024 - LIBRIUM (by Link Olsson & Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0025 - PICA HOLE (by Apostrophe) - 7 fonts
0026 - DURALITH (by Graham Meade & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0027 - IMPOS MM (by Apostrophe) - Multiple Master + 6 TTF
0028 - COLWELL (by Fleisch & Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0029 - USENET (by Alejandro Paul & Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0030 - FONTCOP (by Alejandro Paul & Apostrophe) - 4 fonts
0031 - EPYVAL (by Graham Meade & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0032 - MILTOWN II (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0033 - SEVERINA (by Link Olsson & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0034 - DIEHL DECO (by Marley Diehl & Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0035 - BOOTER MM (by Graham Meade & Apostrophe) - Multiple Master + 13 TTF
0036 - PAMELOR (by Graham Meade & Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0037 - CARBOLITH (by Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0038 - LILLY (by Dana Rice & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0039 - TEXTAN (by Rich Parks & Apostrophe) - 3 fonts
0040 - SABRIL (by Graham Meade & Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0041 - METROLOX (by Karen Clemens & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0042 - ERINAL (by Graham Meade & Apostrophe) - 3 fonts
0043 - POULTRYGEIST (by Link Olsson & Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0044 - HARD TALK (by Marjan Bozic & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0045 - KOMIKAZE (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0046 - KOMIKAZOOM (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0047 - EXTASY (by Keya Kirkpatrick & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0048 - KARISMA (by Graham Meade & Apostrophe) - 3 fonts
0049 - KOMIKAHUNA (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0050 - CAYETANO (by Alejandro Paul & Apostrophe) - 8 fonts
0051 - DIOGENES (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0052 - KOMIKAZBA (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0053 - KIMONO (by Keya Kirkpatrick & Apostrophe) - 6 fonts
0054 - MISTRESS SCRIPT (by Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0055 - BIPOLAR CONTROL PACK (by Graham Meade) - 4 fonts
0056 - SLEDGE (by Apostrophe) - 1 font
0057 - EXTRANO (by Link Olsson & Apostrophe) - 5 fonts
0058 - 1910 VIENNA (by Evelyne Pichler & Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0059 - LANE (by Graham Meade) - 4 fonts
0060 - MARY JANE (by Apostrophe) - 3 fonts
0061 - YELLOWSWAMP (by Graham Meade, CybaPee and Apostrophe) - 1 font
0062 - TRACEROUTE (by Yol) - 2 fonts
0063 - STREET (By Graham Meade) - 17 fonts
0064 - INDEPENDANT (by Phynette & Apostrophe) - 3 fonts
0065 - LADY ICE (by CybaPee & Apostrophe) - 3 fonts
0066 - WHACKADOO (by Graham Meade & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0067 - REPUBLIKA (by Apostrophe) - 36 fonts
0068 - REPUBLIKA BOLD (by Apostrophe) - 36 fonts
0069 - REPUBLIKA LIGHT (by Apostrophe) - 36 fonts
0070 - REPUBLIKA ULTRA (by Apostrophe) - 36 fonts
0071 - REPUBLIKA OUTLINE (by Apostrophe) - 12 fonts
0072 - REPUBLIKA SHADOW (by Apostrophe) - 12 fonts
0073 - REPUBLIKA COLLEGE (by Apostrophe) - 12 fonts
0074 - REPUBLIKA MAZE (by Apostrophe) - 12 fonts
0075 - REPUBLIKA SKETCH (by Apostrophe) - 36 fonts
0076 - REPUBLIKA HAZE (by Apostrophe) - 36 fonts
0077 - REPUBLIKA SHATTER (by Apostrophe) - 36 fonts
0078 - BICICLES (by Graham Meade & Apostrophe) - 2 fonts
0079 - STARBAT (by Apostrophe)
0080 - STREET SLAB (by Graham Meade) - 40 fonts
0081 - GLAUKOUS (by Rich Parks & Apostrophe) - 5 fonts
0082 - ELEKTORA (by Alejandro Paul & Apostrophe) - 1 font
0083 - SECOND STREET (by Graham Meade) - 30 fonts

Futurex Project fonts:
F001 - BOLD OBLIQUE (by Fleisch)
F002 - SLAB (by Rich Parks)
F003 - SCHIZMATIC (by Spork Thug)
F004 - METAL GEAR (by Mr. Fisk)
F005 - ALIENATED (by Phoenix Phonts)
F006 - PUNCHED (by Phoenix Phonts)
F007 - STRIPED (by Phoenix Phonts)
F008 - BUGZ (by Jeri Ingalls)
F009 - VOYAGER (by Rich Gast)
F010 - CRAZY SLAB (by Misha Shenbrot)
F011 - EMBOSSED (by Alex Grecian)
F012 - DECO (by Alex Grecian)
F013 - ENGRAVED (by Alex Grecian)
F014 - BOB (by JoeBob Grafx)
Do Readous.txt1 KBArquivo de textoVisão
Glaukous began from one letter on a sign above a rave clothing store in downtown Toronto. The name of the store is ZUPJAR. The sign had nothing on it but the name, with each letter being completely different in style from the rest. The letter that became Glaukous was the J.

Rich ventured once again into the land of geometry to make this one, except this time it wasn't as straight forward a concept as Textan. He had very limiting denominators to deal with. And I must say he did a hell of a job with what he had. Pushing rasterizers to their full limits is not something you see people attempt often.

About 98% of the original Glaukous letters were mostly done by Rich. I remember adding a few myself, but can't remember which ones. I did the kerning (easy task there, given the geometrical nature of the font). Then I suprised Rich by adding the 4 other fonts to the pack. The idea behind Viscous and Aublikus was basically to humanize the geometry of the original font. Those two took some time cleaning up and rekerning. Industrious is a straight shadow effect, tweaked for the hints. Paukous is the result of stacking two Photoshop filters on Aublikus. Bless be the discontinued plugins of Rubberman.

Aublikus turned out to be my favourite font of the set. Maybe I'm still having techno flashbacks here, but that thing MOVES.

Hope you like it. Be happy.

GLAUKP__.ttf193 KBArquivo de fonteDownload

:: Fonte Informação

Nome da fonte: Glaukous - Paukous
Autor da fonte: Apostrophic Labs
Licença da fonte: Free for personal use

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