:: Lyonesseª .TTF Fonte Detalhes

1 Fontes

:: Mapa De Caracteres

character map

:: Conteúdo Do Arquivo(Lyonesseª .TTF Fonte)

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INSTALL.TXT5 KBArquivo de textoVisão

Our fonts come with the files stuffed in a single archive file
using Stuffit for the Macintosh or PKunZip for the PC. To extract Stuffit
archives, just click on them and they will unstuff to the destination you
specify. To extract PKZip archives you will need a copy of PKunZip. If
you don't have a current copy you can obtain one from almost any local
bulletin board or online service, or from our BBS at 512/472-6905.

Macintosh: If you are using System 7 all you need to do is drop the
fonts you wish to use on your system folder and they will automatically be
placed in the Font folder. If you are using an older version of the system
software you will need to drop the fonts on the system file itself. Before
installing fonts determine whether you wish to use True Type or Postscript.
For Postscript install the .bmap file and the file with no suffix. For
Trutype just install the .suit file. Do not install both Postscript and
Truetype unless you rename one of the suitcases so that they will not
MS DOS: Where you install the fonts will depend on the program you
are using. Consult your manual for more information.
Windows: Click on the Control Panel icon. In the Control Panel
click on Fonts icon. Select add fonts. In some cases you may need to also
add the fonts specifically to the programs you are using. Consult the
program manual for more information.

Font Appears as Boxes (Macintosh): First, check to make sure that
none of the characters display properly. Some calligraphic, display and
decorative initials fonts may have only upper or lower case characters, but
not both. This is not a defect, but a traditional characteristic of those
types of alphabets. This is an indication that the font is too complex for
the memory configuration which you are currently using. This is most
likely to happen when using the Postscript versions under system 6.X, on a
68000 Macintosh, or on a system with less than 4 megabytes of system
memory. However, with more complex fonts it can occur with more powerful
systems. It can also be the result of programs which have poor memory
management. In some cases assigning additional memory to the application
you are using can solve this problem, but the more complex the font is, the
more memory it demands. We have never encountered any problems on any
systems which have a 68030 or better processor and at least 8 megabytes of
memory, but some of the newer Macintoshes, although nominally equivalent to
an SE/30 or better, have inexplicably poor memory management. In the worst
case scenario your system just may not be able to run some of the most
complex fonts without some sort of hardware or software upgrade.
Font Not Visible on Screen or Appears Only in Small Point Sizes
(PC): This is essentially the same problem as the one noted above on the
Macintosh. It means that your system is not powerful enough to handle the
number of points in the font you're trying to use. This problem is
particularly troublesome with PCs running Windows, but it will be fixed
with the release of Windows95. This generally occurs with art and
decorative initials fonts, but the limitations on the PC are even more
severe than on the Macintosh, so on older systems it may occur with less
complex fonts as well. It is less likely to happen with TrueType fonts
than with Postscript, and can only be dealt with by getting a more powerful
PC. Generally a 486 or better with at least 8 megabytes of memory should
have no problems. If you cannot upgrade your hardware you may find that you
can still use the more complex fonts in a limited context. Generally you
should be able to use smaller point sizes with multiple characters, or
print one or two individual characters in larger point sizes, even if they
don't appear on the screen.
Font Appears Not to Have Apostrophes: This is a quirk of certain
word processing programs which can be configured to use a non-standard
apostrophe character in place of the standard apostrophe included in all
our fonts. Some programs, including Microsoft Word may come configured to
use the alternative apostrophes. Consult your manual to reconfigure the
software, or for the key combination necessary to access the correct
Font Prints with Rays or Lines on it: Generally a problem with
Postscript versions of the most complex fonts and certain art or font
sampling programs. Not much you can do except try a different program.
Font Prints Only Some Lines of Some Characters (PC): This is
another function of PCs with insufficient memory, generally only with those
fonts with many overlapping points, particularly decorative initials. This
may be fixable by changing the settings on your printer (see printer
manual). Alternatively it should not be a problem if you print only a few
characters at a time, which is normal use for this type of font anyway.
README.TXT9 KBArquivo de textoVisão
This font is distributed as shareware as part of a promotion for the
Scriptorium Font Library.
If you use this font for thirty days or for any publication or commercial
purpose you are obligated to register it as shareware.
To register the font you may pay a $5 registration fee to Ragnarok, or
you may order a sampler disk or the disk on which the font is featured for
$15. The later option is the best deal because you'll get a whole disk of
legitimate, registered fonts for a very low price.
If for some reason you wish to distribute this font as part of a
shareware collection or package, please contact us first at the address
(netmail or US Mail) or phone number given below.
The rest of this is our standard catalog, but without our great font
samples. To actually see what our fonts look like open the accompanying GIF
file(s). If you like this font you'll love some of the hundred-plus other
fonts in the Scriptorium Font Library.

The Scriptorium Font Library
The Scriptorium Font Library is a collection of fonts designed by Dave
Nalle of Ragnarok Games for use in their publications, but now available to
the public by direct mail. The emphasis of the collection is on original
display fonts, unique historically based calligraphy, foreign language and
unusual decorative art fonts. Unlike large font houses which produce cloned
packages of the same 100 standard fonts, we offer high quality fonts you've
never seen before and can't get anywhere else.
Provided here is an up to date listing of all the font disks available at
this time. Each disk includes as many fonts as we can fit on it (usually 8 to
12 fonts). They are fully registered when you purchase the disk.

SFL-1001-1009: Font Samplers
Every three months we release a new sampler disk with our latest fonts on
it. Each sampler includes 8 fonts and sells for $15, or you can get a year's
subscription (4 samplers) for $40 per year.

SFL-2001: Text Fonts
This contains 10 unique serif and sans-serif fonts which meet the high
resolution demands of all text uses. The collection includes some elegant
traditional fonts (both serif and sans-serif) like our Tancred and Palomides
fonts, plus some very unusual offerings like the Kelmscott font based on
William Morris' Troy font from the Kelmscott edition of Chaucer's works. $15.
Update $5.

SFL-2002: More Text Fonts
A collection of sophisticated and flexible text fonts, including some
unique fonts and some based on classic styles. Includes Boswell, Alcibiades,
Proserpina, Ruffian and 6 other fonts. $15. Update $5.

SFL-2003: Text Fonts III
This collection includes some great new fonts, such as Adramalech,
Patrician, Telluria and Everest. $15. Update $5.

SFL-3001: Display Fonts
This disk features 10 attractive display fonts, including several art
nouveau and medieval styles, plus a couple of unusual special use fonts. Our
favorites are the Starfield font, which looks like a scattered field of stars,
the Buccaneer font, drawn from 17th century wanted posters and the Ariosto and
Elysian fonts based on hand drawn fonts of the Munich Jugendstil movement of
the 1890s. $15. Update $5.

SFL-3002: Display Fonts II
This disk features 10 unusual display fonts, including a number of
interesting Art Nouveau and early modern book plate styles, such as
Beaumarchais, Averoigne and Cymbeline. $15. Update $5.

SFL-3003: Display Fonts III
Ten more display fonts, including some of our strangest, such as Golgotha
(made of piled skulls), Eglantine, Mayhem and Sanguinary (title font from the
game Suburban Slasher - great for horror buffs). $15. Update $5.

SFL-3004: Display Fonts IV
Great new display fonts, including Acadian, Dunsany, Bruges, Engrossing,
Rochambeau and others. $15. Update $5.

SFL-3005: Display Fonts V
More great display fonts, with an emphasis on arcane and evil looking
fonts, such as Asphodel, Descant, Abaddon, Mephisto and Apollyon. $15.
Update $5.

SFL-3006: Display Fonts VI
Interesting display fonts tending towards art nouveau and gothic,
including Angelus, Zabdiel, Louisbourg and Titania. $15. Update $5.

SFL-4001: Calligraphic Fonts
This disk includes a variety of calligraphic fonts, including several
Celtic-style fonts, fonts based on medieval and renaissance calligraphy and
calligraphy from several 19th century art nouveau designers. Includes
Bastarda, Courthand, Fabliaux, Rackham and others. Because these are based on
genuine calligraphy they may not include all the characters you may expect and
may include specialty characters or strange alternate forms for some letters.
$15. Update $5.

SFL-4002: Calligraphic Fonts II
This disk includes a variety of medieval English, French and Italian
lettering styles plus several Eastern European styles and a special font based
on the calligraphy of Howard Pyle. $15. Update $5.

SFL-4003: Calligraphic Fonts III
A special collection of unusual fonts based on hand-drawn renderings of
medieval and ancient lettering styles. Includes the fonts Constance,
Talleyrand, Textura Quadrata and Iberia. $15. Update $5.

SFL-4004: Calligraphic Fonts IV
A special collection with an emphasis on italic calligrpahy from the
middle ages through the early modern period. $15. Update $5.

SFL-5001: Specialty Fonts
A collection of fonts for languages which don't use the English alphabet,
including both obscure real world and historical languages and role-playing
game world languages. Check out the Bahairic and Futhark fonts if you want
something really different. Oh, and did you say you were going mad because
you couldn't decorate your computer-generated icons without Church Slavonic?
Well, try Patriarch. It reads in English, but looks like Church Slavonic.
$15. Update $5.

SFL - 6001: Decorative Initials
A special assortment of art fonts where each letter is a decorative
initial or small picture. It includes several illuminated manuscript
alphabets, the extremely intricate Maidens font and some Art Nouveau floral
motifs. Because of the detail of these decorative initials only 5 fonts are
presented on this disk, but they are well worth it. $15. Update $5.

SFL - 6002: Decorative Initials II
This collection of decorative fonts includes some medieval classics and
some very detailed 19th century fonts, as well as decroative initials based on
the works of Howard Pyle and John D. Batten. Because of the intricacy of
these fonts only 5 fonts are presented on this disk. $15. Update $5.

SFL - 6003: Decorative Initials III
Five new decorative initial sets. Fonts featured include the rather
bizarre Otherworld and Netherworld fonts, the Italian art nouveau face
Campobello, Florimel and more. $15. Update $5.

SFL - 6004: Decorative Initials IV
Even more great decorative initials, including Golgotha and Finestra two
of our newest. $15. Update $5.

SFL - 7001: Art Fonts
This is a collection of illustrations in font form, including animals,
heraldic shields, celtic spirals, arthurian miniatures, floral embellishments
and more. These fonts are intricate so only six could fit on the disk. $15.
Update $5.

SFL - 7002: Art Fonts II
More small illustrations and decorative embellishments taken from
original designs and classic print sources, including our popular new Fairies
font featuring images of mischievious little folk. Available in Spring of
1994. $15. Update $5.

SFL - 7003: Art Fonts III
More small illustrations and decorative embellishments taken from
original designs and classic print sources, including Decoration, an art deco
font, Dinomania with pictures of dinosaurs and Mesoglyphs taken from
pre-columbian stone carvings. $15. Update $5.

Each of our font disks is updated with new versions at least once every
three months, with updates being released on the first of January, April, July
and October. If you send in your original disk and $5 we will update you with
the latest versions of all the fonts on that disk. Most of our fonts are
brand new, so expect pretty substantial changes with some of the updates over
the next year or so.

Support shareware. Many of our fonts are distributed as shareware for
promotional purposes. If you see our fonts being circulated as unregistered
copies (without our shareware notice), let us know...or let the culprit know
that you dont' approve. These fonts are too damned cheap for anyone NOT to
pay their shareware fee or order them on disk.

Send check of money order for the appropriate amount to the address
provided below. Please specify your computer type. There will be a $5 reorder
fee per disk if you fail to specify your computer type and get the wrong disk
as a result. Advance order items will be sent as soon as they are released.
Overseas orders please include $3 per disk for shipping and handling.
Wholesale information is available on request.
Let us know and we'll send you catalogs for our Image Library collection
of clip-art book illustrations and our complete line of roleplaying and board

For samples of some of our fonts see the GIF files enclosed in this archive.

Order from:

RAGNAROK POB 140333 Austin, TX 78714
LY______.TTF23 KBArquivo de fonteDownload
SFLINFO.GIF147 KBImagem de amostraVisão

:: Fonte Informação

Nome da fonte: Lyonesseª
Autor da fonte: The Scriptorium
Licença da fonte: Free for personal use

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