:: Bodie MF .TTF Caratteri Dettagli

1 Caratteri

:: Mappa Dei Caratteri

character map

:: Contenuto Del File(Bodie MF .TTF Font)

nome del filedimensione del filetipo di fileopzione
Bodie_mf.ttf32 KBFile FontScaricare
About_Bodie MF.txt14 KBFile di testovista
About Bodie MF-Flag Font ttrottxt  /ج�P��Z� ��ł

Bodie MF-Flag (ver. 1.0) copyright� 1995 by Rick W. Mueller. All rights reserved worldwide.

� Bodie MF-Flag, is basically �Bodie Bounce Open� with a star and a wave placed within each letter, giving it an overall �flag� look. Useful whenever a patriotic mood is required. The upper and lowercase letters are the same. Use this typeface in: ads, posters, newsletters, etc. Remember, even if you use this font only once, it�s well worth the asking price of $5.00 (See below).

1) The Postscript� (Type 1) - print driver.
2) The bitmap suitcase (.bmap) - screen font.
3) The TrueType� suitcase (.suit) - screen/print driver.
4) The �About� Font document - the text file you�re reading now.

� You may upload these files to other bulletin boards, or give to your friends, provided all four files are included without alteration. If you are a company that provides Shareware software to the public. Please let me know who you are so I can keep you informed of any updates. If any of the above listed files are not included. Let me know which files are missing and where you received your copy. Thanks.

� You cannot: sell, rent, modify, or translate this �font software package� in anyway without the prior written consent from me.

No assumption of liability of any kind, for any reason.

� To register this typeface please send $5.00 to the address below, and receive more information on other fonts. Please let me know which typeface/format you�re using, and also where you got it, thanks. You can also reach me by fax #319-245-1133.

Rick W. Mueller
S.W. Offer
25115 Ironwood Road
Elkader, IA 52043-8052 USA


Rick, Oct. '95

P.S. We would love to see any of your designs, (newsletters, brochures, etc.) created using this display face.  /� .� F���������� LL � S �f�gAbout Bodie MF-Flag Fonte tt ttrottxt ��P  /��g;f                                 �
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:: Informazioni Di Carattere

nome del font: Bodie MF
licenza: Free for personal use

:: Condividi Bodie MF Font

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