:: Haus Ethnik Dingbats .TTF Caratteri Dettagli

1 Caratteri

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:: Contenuto Del File(Haus Ethnik Dingbats .TTF Font)

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Haus Ethnik Font- Lower case.png323 KBimmagine di esempiovista
License.txt524 BFile di testovista
The Bayhaus Foundry

�Baynham Goredema 2014

www.baynhamgoredema.com / www.xealos.com

Congratulations, you have successfully downloaded Haus Ethnik Dingbats font file!

This font is provided to you by the Bayhaus Foundry, A Zimbabwe font foundry, subdivision of XEALOS Design Consultants


You may use for personal and commercial design. You can also redistribute by any means for free. You can alter as you see fit. We would be happy to see how you have used the font, email us at [email protected]
HausEthnikDingbats-Regular.otf56 KBFile FontScaricare

:: Informazioni Di Carattere

nome del font: Haus Ethnik Dingbats
progettista: Baynham Goredema
licenza: Free(Commercial use allowed)

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