:: Gravitate Segments BRK .TTF Fonte Détails

2 Polices

:: Caractère Carte

character map

:: Contenu Du Fichier(Gravitate Segments BRK .TTF Police De Caractère)

Nom de fichierTaille du fichierType de fichierOption
gravitat.ttf28 KBFichier de policeTélécharger
gravitate.txt3 KBFichier textevoir
Gravitate Created by Brian Kent
Thanks for Downloading Gravitate.

-Gravitate Segments

There are some alternative extra characters included in this font.


C = � = ALT+0200
S = � = ALT+0201
a = � = ALT+0202
s = � = ALT+0203
t = � = ALT+0204
2 = � = ALT+0205
3 = � = ALT+0206
5 = � = ALT+0207
6 = � = ALT+0208
9 = � = ALT+0209
@ = � = ALT+0210

To type the extra characters, Press and Hold the ALT key, then
on the Number Pad type in the 4 numbers. When you release the
ALT key the character will appear.

If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me at
[email protected]

You can visit my Homepage <�NIGMA GAMES & FONTS> at

There's a couple of ways to install Fonts. The 'easy' way to
install fonts is to just Unzip/place the font file [.ttf] into your
Windows\Fonts directory (I always use this method). If you're unable
to do it the 'easy' way, then try to do it this way (for Windows

1] Unzip the Font(s) to a folder (or somewhere, just remember where
you unzipped it) on your Computer.

2] Next, click on the START button, then select SETTINGS then

3] When the Control Panel Window pops up, Double Click on FONTS.

4] When the FONTS window pops up, select File then Install New Font...

5] A Add Fonts window will pop up, just go to the folder that you
unzipped the Font(s) to, select the Font(s) and then click on OK.
Now the Font(s) are installed.

Now you can use the Font(s) in programs that utilize Fonts. Make
sure that you install the font(s) first, then open up your apps
(so the app will recognize the font). Sometimes you'll have to
wait until you computer 'auto-refreshes' for programs to recognize
fonts (Windows is sometimes slow to do that). You can refresh your
computer quicker by going into Windows Explorer -or- My Computer and
press F5 (or in the menubar select VIEW then REFRESH).

-The font(s) in this zip file were created by me (Brian Kent). All
of my Fonts are Freeware, you can use them any way you want to
(Personal use, Commercial use, or whatever).

-If you have a Font related site and would like to offer my fonts on
your site, go right ahead. All I ask is that you keep this text file
intact with the Font.

-You may not Sell or Distribute my Fonts for profit or alter them in
any way without asking me first. [e-mail - [email protected]]
graviseg.ttf36 KBFichier de policeTélécharger

:: Fonte Information

nom de la police: Gravitate Segments BRK
desginer police: AEnigma
licence police: Free for personal use

:: Partager Gravitate Segments BRK Police

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