:: Loopy (BRK) .TTF Fonte Détails

1 Polices

:: Caractère Carte

character map

:: Contenu Du Fichier(Loopy (BRK) .TTF Police De Caractère)

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loopyINFO.gif37 KBExemple d'imagevoir
loopy.txt2 KBFichier textevoir
Loopy Created by Brian Kent

Thanks for Downloading Loopy.

This Font is best printed at 18pt or above.


To use this Font you have to use a LOOP Character
{ which are -+()<> SPACE and _ }
then you use a regular Alphanumeric Character
{ Aa to Zz, 0 to 9, and ?&!@ }
then repeat the process, to type out a string of text.
Here's an example: (-I+NI>N

Here's a description of each LOOP Character:

( and ) are End Caps for the Loop, they close the Loop.

- is a single Loop.

+ is the same as the single Loop but it also has small loops on the
top and bottom of it.

< is the same as the single Loop but it also has a small loop on the
top of it.

> is the same as the single Loop but it also has a small loop on the
bottom of it.

SPACE the Space(bar) is used to make a Blank Loop.
{ For example (-A- -Z) would make A in a loop, a Blank loop, then
Z in a loop }.

_ (underscore) is only used for when you just want to use the
Alphanumeric Characters and NO Loops. { For Example _T_e_s_t }.
If you just use Alphanumeric Characters, the Characters will just
overlap each other.

>>>Take a look at the image file (loopyINFO.gif) included with the
Font for a visual explanation of the Info above.<<<

If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me at
[email protected]

You can visit my Homepage <�NIGMA GAMES & FONTS> at
loopy.ttf39 KBFichier de policeTélécharger

:: Fonte Information

nom de la police: Loopy (BRK)
desginer police: AEnigma
licence police: Free for personal use

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