:: Sqsville Schriftart .TTF Details

Schriftart Typ:
1 Fonts

:: Charakter Karte | Alphabet Karte

character map

:: Dateiinhalt(Sqsville .TTF Schriftart)

Sqrsvlle.txt1 KBTextdateiAnsehen
Windows95 truetype font
Made by Randy Ford,
Copyright 1997 All rights reserved.
"Squaresville" is a shareware font,
and has been made available for evaluation purposes only.

If you really like my "Squaresville" font,
and wish to receive the full version and
I'll through in another surprise font I've made too.
Send your e-mail address and a registration fee
of $5.00 US (cheap) to:

Randy A. Ford
P.O. Box 20128
Bradenton, FL 34202-0128

Payment entitles user to a single-license/single-machine
installation, and unrestricted personal use of the
truetype font,"Squaresville"

Permission: To freely distribute and/or post this font,
providing that all files in the original archive are attached,
including this one.

Commercial and/or for-profit uses of "Squaresville" are
expressly forbidden without payment of appropriate
shareware fees.

"Squaresville" may not be sampled,
converted, or used to create new font files.

[email protected]
Squaresville.ttf13 KBSchriftartHerunterladen

:: Font Informationen

Schriftname: Sqsville
Schriftdesigner: Randy Ford
Schriftlizenz: Free for personal use

:: Teilen Sqsville Schriftart

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