:: Greywolf Glyphs Schriftart .TTF Details

1 Fonts

:: Charakter Karte | Alphabet Karte

character map

:: Dateiinhalt(Greywolf Glyphs .TTF Schriftart)

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Greywolf Glyphs - version 1.0 - 13 Mar 2003

The accompanying item is an Egyptian-themed "dingbat" font created for the purpose of aiding in making player hand-outs and miniatures scenery for Egyptian-themed role-playing games. The accompanying Word document has a complete listing of the "glyphs" included.

Lower-case letters a-z are monospaced clusters of various hieroglyphs and symbols, to ease in quick creation of hieroglyphics-covered walls. The "pipe" (|) character can be used to add vertical dividers.

Upper-case letters A-Z are unscaled miscellaneous symbols. Letters O-Z are hieroglyphs that represent various creatures.

The top row of keys (on PC keyboards) is devoted to dieties and other characters, facing right. Use the shift key to use alternate left-facing versions. (Left facing: `1234567890-= ... Right facing: ~!@#$%^&*()_+ )

The comma, period and slash (, . /) are assigned to two Eyes of Ra and an ankh, respectively. Use the shift key (< > ?) to get solid versions.

For future updates on this and other fonts and paper accessories, check out my fonts page at http://greywolf.critter.net/fonts.htm. You can direct correspondence to: [email protected]

Feedback is welcome. (It helps me to know what I'm doing right ... or what I'm doing wrong.)

GWGLYPTT.ttf118 KBSchriftartHerunterladen

:: Font Informationen

Schriftname: Greywolf Glyphs
Schriftdesigner: Greywolf
Schriftlizenz: Free for personal use

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