:: PixieFont .TTF字体详细信息

PixieFont 字体作者: David Rakowski

:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(PixieFont .TTF字体)

pixie.txt2 KB文本文件查看
This package should contain the following files:

PixieFon -- PostScript outline font "Pixie Font"
PixieFont.bmap -- screen fonts in sizes 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48.
PixieFont.afm -- Adobe font metrics file, if your program needs it.
Plus the document you are reading.

Installation information can be found elsewhere.

PixieFont is a display font that roughly looks like Bodoni must look like after ten or more beers -- an uneven, hand-drawn serif font with a wide variation of thicks and thins. It makes a good specialty font for advertisements when an informal feel is desired or when you want to recreate generic 1950's advertisements from Boys Life or Mechanix Illustrated. The enclosed font is a Type 1 PostScript font, so it works with Adobe Type Manager on non-PostScript printers, as well.

This software is � by David Rakowski, and is distributed as shareware. If you like the font, please send a check for $4.99 payable to Columbia University to: Victoria Salter, Music Department, Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. You should also enclose the following letter, typed in whatever font you choose:

Dear Victoria:

Here's some money. $4.99, to be exact. Now it's your move. Would a flashlight be better than velcro? I guess they had to take the wallpaper away. Nothing is going to stop the endless parade of purple. Oops. Gotta go.

Sincerely, (your name here).

PixieFont may be distributed freely as long as all the files contained in this archive are part of the package, and are unaltered. Freeware/shareware companies may distribute the font in whatever manner and form they desire, providing that no unflattering picture of the font's creator is printed.

A public service of Bug-Bytes.
PIXIF___.TTF24 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: PixieFont
字体设计师: David Rakowski
字体许可证: Free for personal use

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