:: NouveauRiche .TTF字体详细信息


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:: 字体包内容(NouveauRiche .TTF字体)

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Neue Modernen is based on a combination of 3 alphabets. The inspiration is a portfolio by two artists J. Lehner and E. Mader, published early in the century in Vienna called Neue Schriften und Firmenschilder im Modernen stil: Serie I (New Alphabets and Business Signs in the Modern Style: Series I).

Neue Modernen stands up to large and small point sizes. It is also shareware. Please support this starving font artists by sending your donation to:

Angela Haglund
2823 Woodlawn Dr.
Nashville, TN 37215

If you find any problems or have comments, address them to [email protected].

Neue_mod.ttf35 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: NouveauRiche
字体许可证: Free for personal use

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