:: Headhunter .TTF字体详细信息


:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Headhunter .TTF字体)

This is the TrueType version ofHeadHunter, a font made of bones. All alphabetic characters and some punctuation can be found in the font. There are no numbers.

Headhunter is copyright 1992 by David Rakowski, All Rights Reserved. No warranties expressed or implied. Headhunter is freeware and no restrictions are made on its distribution.

Headhunter is from Insect Bytes, a place where it rains sometimes.

HE______.TTF42 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Headhunter
字体设计师: David Rakowski
字体许可证: Free for personal use

:: 分享 Headhunter 字型

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喜欢这个字体不? 您可以发表你对这个字型的任何看法跟任何评论. 但请不要灌水哦.