:: Taxidermist .TTF字体详细信息


:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Taxidermist .TTF字体)

fffreadm.txt3 KB文本文件查看

FFFReadMe.txt �08" �p�ֶD _�� _w ^-, _r( �0 _�TEXTttxt������uL�uW��{�Mary Forrest's Free Font Fiesta...

A free font to download each week plus a mind-bogglingly comprehensive link list, all brought to you by Mary Forrest, Fontmonger to the Masses.

This font was downloaded from Mary Forrest's Free Font Fiesta, conveniently located at http://member.aol.com/mmqchome/fonts. Email Mary Forrest at [email protected], if you wish. And by all means, do everything within your means to impel Mary Forrest to fame and limitless wealth.

Thanks for stopping by. Tell a friend!

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readme.txt552 B文本文件查看

d i s t u r b e d d o t c o m f r e e f o n t :


this typeface is copyright 1997 by matthew austin petty.

redistribution of this font is strictly prohibited by law. do not redistribute it.

please, enjoy this font, and use it often. use it cool places like magazines, and gum
wrappers, and frito lay products, and stuff like that.

for more vitamin-packed abc's, please visit http://www.disturbed.com

i like you a whole lot,
matthew austin petty
[email protected]

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Taxidermist
字体设计师: Matthew Austin Petty
字体许可证: Free for personal use

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