:: Tincushion .TTF字体详细信息

字体类型: Normal, Sans
Tincushion 字体作者: Vít Čondák  author website

:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Tincushion .TTF字体)

tincush-0980.ttf33 KB字体文件下载
tincush.txt1 KB文本文件查看

by V�t �ond�k


Free for personal or non-commercial use.
If you want to use the font for a commercial project or if you think something in this font doesn't feel right please contact me.

En Cz Sk De Fr Pl Gr Ru



0.980 2014-03-02
+ complete Cyrillic
+ dagger dbldagger
* metrics: all round letters -25

0.979 2014-02-26
+ GKkLlNnRr+cedilla
+ plusminus divide
* modified: Llcaron
* metrics: LT
* metrics: Gamma lambda epsilon zeta xi tau

0.978 2014-02-13
* metrics: Gamma Sigma zeta xi
* Phi

0.977 2014-02-12
* modified: @ fr
+ complete Greek alphabet
+ Aaringacute
* tweaked spacing + kerning

0.976 2014-02-12
* modified: ', 1257 LPRTZ gjlz
+ Ooslashacute, quotes, cent
+ cedilla+..., ogonek+..., macron+...
+ most Greek letters

0.975 2014-02-09
* metrics +50 (-> 65)
+ kerning: t+...
* modified: �%`�

0.974 2014-01-31
+ dieresis, circumflex, dblacute +...

0.973 2010-08-08
* fixed ligatures: IJ ij fi fj

0.97 2003-08-17
+ ��������N questiondown oe (c) (R) TM
* 257LTZz

0.95 2003
+ ������

0.94 2003
+ 0123456789

0.91 2001-09-01

0.90 2001
+ a-z

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Tincushion
字体设计师: Vít Čondák
字体许可证: Free for personal use
作者网站: http://fonty.condak.cz

:: 分享 Tincushion 字型

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喜欢这个字体不? 您可以发表你对这个字型的任何看法跟任何评论. 但请不要灌水哦.