:: Yiroglyphics .TTF字体详细信息


:: 字符映射表|字元对应表

character map

:: 字体包内容(Yiroglyphics .TTF字体)

yiro.txt485 B文本文件查看
Yiroglyphics Truetype Dingbat Fonts for Windows

2004 Iconian Fonts - Daniel Zadorozny


This is a dingbats font of over 90 Egyptian-like hieroglyph symbols. Use of a character map program, such as Windows' Character Map, will be very helpful in exploring and using this font.

This font may be freely distributed and is free for all non-commercial uses. This font is e-mailware; that is, if you like it, please e-mail the author at:

[email protected]
yiro.ttf94 KB字体文件下载

:: 字体信息

字体名称: Yiroglyphics
字体设计师: Iconian Fonts
字体许可证: Free for personal use

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