:: Jackrabbit's Bar & Grill Font Details (.TTF Download)

1 style inside

:: Character Map

character map

:: File Contents(Jackrabbit's Bar & Grill .TTF Download)

topsecret.txt2 KBText Fileview

Thank you for downloading Jackrabbits bar and Grille, I hope you enjoy it.

Jackrabbits bar and Grille is shareware. So try it, and if you keep it or use it, then you must pay for it.
I've given it an extremly modest fee of five bucks, furthermore, if you send in your five-dollar fee, you will receive a special gift from me that you can enjoy for years to come.

Think about it, if there Really Was a place called Jackrabbits bar and Grille you couldn't buy a burger and a milkshake there for what you pay for this font. for five lousy, stinkin, measley bucks, you get an artistic font that you won't find anywhere else.

Anyway I did this font in tribute to all the little 50's style signs that are still up in the classy parts of the world, these signs are a form of graphic design that is disapearing all to fast because of "renovation and Improvement" :(
The font is designed with wide character spacing and is set up with all of the lowercase letters printing a bit higher frome the baseline than the uppercase letters, so that if you type JaCkRaBbItS it will look like the logo above.

Feel free to upload this font anywhere you like so long as it has this notice included along with it (The only exeption to this is that I wish commercial shareware distributers to contact me BEFORE including any of my work in a shareware compilation, etc., online sevices like aol, etc. are fine)

Send your shareware fee to:

Synstelien Designs
1338 north 120th plaza #9
Omaha, NE 68154
(402) 492-9684

Email any problems, bugs, or comments (good or bad, you won't hurt my feelings) to:

D [email protected]
Eworld: Syn

Donald Synstelien

p.s., Thanks in advance for paying for your shareware, it helps to keep lots of us doing what we like to do, and that keeps all of us happy with huge libraries of fonts, games, programs and such.

Jackrabbits bar and Grille is �synstelien designs
jackrabbit.ttf29 KBFont Filedownload

:: Font Info

Font Name: Jackrabbit's Bar & Grill
Designer Name: Donald Synstelien
Font License: Free for personal use

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